Saturday, August 21, 2010

Johnny Logan - Adventures of a College Student

Our college has started a Facebook site that will try to mirror the typical everyday life of a college student. This site will follow our designated college student through registration, starting classes, issues through the semester, finals, and grades. Who is our designated college student…why a freshman named Johnny Logan. He may excel in one class and struggle in another, ride the bus, need a job, visit departments on campus, work out in the recreation building, find a girlfriend, etc., etc. It is designed for students attending any college or even high school seniors who want to get an early glimpse of college life. There will be tips that students can use anywhere.

 Click here to view his Facebook site.

Click here to view his Twitter site

Facebook In College

Check of Facebook In College from techcrunch.

Tech Tips from CNN

Here are some tech tips from CNN as students head back-to-school.